Selasa, 27 Desember 2011


YLDA with Garda Bangsa Chair Camelia Puji Astuti

What does the term "Garda Bangsa" mean?

Garda Bangsa, literally means "Nation Guard". Our organization uses the term as an abbreviation of our full name "Gerakan Pemuda Kebangkitan Bangsa" which means "Nation Awakening Youth Movement", and we represent the youth wing of the "Nation Awakening Party" (PKB) of Indonesia.

How does Garda Bangsa promote the ideals of freedom and democracy?

We advocate freedom and democracy primarily through our POLITICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING EFFORTS for the youth.

What would motivate young Indonesian Liberals to join your organization?

Our close association with the largest Islamic Mass Organisation (Nathlatul Ulama) in Indonesia distinguishes ours as the Liberal Youth Group with the greatest capacity to demand and eventually affect change. We also accept members from all gender denominations, social, racial and religious backgrounds, thereby allowing for a level platform of political discussion within our organization. While we are identified as a Muslim political party, we are also known all throughout Indonesia as promoting respect and tolerance for other cultural and religious beliefs.

What distinguishes Garda Bangsa from its mother party, the National Awakening Party?

Garda bangsa serves as the entry point and educational support system of the National Awakening Party focused on Youth Development. Young Muslim Liberals must join Garda Bangsa before they are allowed to participate in PKB activities.

Evaluate the socio-political activity of the Youth in your country. What role do they play in Indonesian politics and how do they deliver?

The youths play a pioneering role in Indonesian socio-politics and have inspired numerous reforms throughout history, especially since the reform period of 1998. Participation in party youth wings has also increased as young voters become increasingly policy-conscious. One could say that socio-political activity amongst the youth is now reasonably strong in Indonesia.

Which of the current issues are most pressing for youths in Indonesia? What is Garda Bangsa's solution to these issues?

The social perception of the youth and what they can do in Indonesia is largely negative. They aren't taken seriously and instead, are seen as irresponsible troublemakers. We at Garda Bangsa, on the other hand, believe that the youth have great potential and the capacity to create positive change in our community. Furthermore, we believe that helping the young gain access to network of organizations espousing liberal-democratic values and share and develop ideas with peers and seasoned policy makers will allow them to develop leadership skills invaluable to their future as leaders of our country. Also, by allowing the youth to actively participate in political discussion with our mother party, the PKB, Garda Bangsa gives them the opportunity to develop analytical and communication skills while inspiring them to pursue an interest in solving social problems alongside personal development.

Indonesia is the largest Islamic Nation in the world. Given the widely perceived conservative political inclination of other Islamic Nations, evaluate Liberalism within the context of your country.

The socio-political climate of Indonesia is largely moderate and allows liberals the same rights as other political groups to contribute to policymaking and governance. Liberal values are practiced by many Indonesians in day-to-day life, even if there is a negative social value judgement against "Liberalism" as an ideology. This is because the liberal platform is misinterpreted by a vast majority of people who are not familiar with liberal tenets. There is a lot of effort, however, coming from organizations like Garda Bangsa to change this perception through political education. In our own ways, we see these programs as very successful.

What do you have to say about YLDA?

YLDA facilitates dialogue and peer learning on an international level for Young Liberals in Asia and I think it is a brilliant opportunity for Garda Bangsa members to diversify their understanding of local and international socio-political issues. By exposing them to liberal perspectives from different political settings, our members are able to understand different issues around Asia, thereby gaining a broader analytical insight, which allows them to solve social problems with a more dynamic approach. YLDA also gives us the opportunity to present Garda Bangsa's take on international and local issues, which not only gives us a voice in an international platform but also allows other countries to learn from a liberal sensibility unique to a predominantly Muslim Society.

Where will the Garda Bangsa-YLDA partnership be in the next five years?

I see a successful and thriving cooperative partnership between Garda Bangsa and YLDA in promoting liberal democratic ideas within Indonesia, not only in the next 5 years but in the long term as well.

Related Articles :

Featured Youth Orgs Profile : Garda Bangsa
Chat Time : Youth and Campus Activism in Indonesia

Rabu, 09 November 2011



Gerbang sekolah itu menghadap lapangan hijau persegi panjang. Berseberangan lapangan hijau tersebut ada sebuah lapangan yang berukuran lebih kecil, namun berpasir putih nan bersih. Itulah dua lapangan sepak bola kebanggaan SMAN 12, yang satu lapangan sepak bola biasa dan satunya lagi lapangan sepak bola pantai. Kalau di Bandung ada SMU Plus Muthahari, yang terkenal dengan kemampuan intelektual bidang keagamaan, maka di Bangka Belitung ada sekolah pemain bola. Tinggal pilih, mau main di lapangan berumput atau berpasir.

SMAN 12 merupakan sekolah favorit bagi pelajar maniak bola. Boleh dikata, sekolahnya pemain bola. Syarat diterima masuk sekolah itu sangat mudah, pertama berdasarkan nilai NEM. Apabila syarat ini gagal, maka jangan putus asa masih ada kesempatan lain lewat kepandaian mengolah si kulit bundar. Namun calon siswa baru lewat jalur khusus ini dibatasi jumlahnya hanya untuk sebelas siswa.

Jatah terbatas ini tetap menjadi rebutan siswa baru yang merasa mempunyai talenta sepak bola. Mereka harus menunjukkan skill di hadapan tim seleksi PSB lewat jalur khusus. Mereka harus bertanding melawan kesebelasan tuan rumah. Tentu saja sukar sekali mengalahkan Kesebelasan SMAN 12 yang telah terlatih dan berpengalaman dalam berbagai kejuaraan sepak bola di tingkat daerah dan nasional. Mereka terdiri dari murid-murid yang sangat berbakat di dunia bola; sepak bola dan bola pantai.

Data statistik dari kejuaraan sepak bola tingkat SLTA, SMAN 12 dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun ini masih pemegang juara I. Sedangkan juara II dan III bergantian direbut sekolah lain. Tak heran, dari SMAN 12 ini yang paling banyak menyumbang pemain bagi kesebelasan BABEL UNITED di kejuaraan PIALA SURATIN.



Bangka sering menyumbangkan pemain bola untuk membela Timnas Merah Putih. Walau masih kalah dengan Papua yang memang talenta dalam mengolah si kulit bundar seperti Aples Gedeon Tecuari (pemain PSSI Primavera idola ku). Tapi setidaknya, Indonesia yang membentang dari Sabang sampai merauke harus memiliki timnas yang tangguh.

Khusus Bangka Belitung sendiri, sampai saat ini belum mempunyai kompetisi yang memadai, yang dapat menampung bibit muda berbakat. Oleh karena itu, harus ada wadah pembinaan paling tidak, adanya suatu kompetisi yang bergulir permanen setiap tahunnya. Bila berjalan baik maka ada harapan BABEL UNITED, klub sepak bola Bangka Belitung dapat unjuk gigi di Liga Indonesia.

Langkah menuju itu, pertama diadakan suatu kompetisi yang dibagi dua wilayah, wilayah Bangka dan wilayah Belitung. Setiap wilayah terdiri dari 64 klub, 64 klub di Bangka dan 64 klub di Belitung. Jumlah keseluruhan 128 klub. Selanjutnya 64 klub masing-masing wilayah dibagi ke dalam dua pool; Pool A (32 klub) dan Pool B (32 klub). Kemudian, setiap juara pool di dua wilayah tersebut dipertemukan dengan sistem kompetisi penuh. Juara Pool A dan B wilayah Bangka bertemu dengan juara Pool A dan B wilayah Belitung.

Empat klub juara di tiap pool dan wilayah masing-masing tersebut bertarung menjadi tim terbaik yang akan mewikili BABEL UNITED di kancah liga nasional yang bergengsi. Semua perusahaan yang ada di Bangka Belitung berkewajiban membantu BABEL UNITED terutama pemain dan pelatihnya. Mereka sudah terikat kontrak dengan nilai kontrak yang memadai untuk sebuah prestasi yang menganggkat nama daerah Bangka Belitung. Hidup BABEL UNITED ! Hidup klub kebanggaan Bumi Laskar Pelangi !

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

sovenir unik

Salam, kalo mau pesan sovenir ke q bai, gantungan kunci rp 2500, kalo undangan kipas rp 4000, tapi jauh2 hari mesannya 2 minggu minimal/

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Teknologi energi paling tinggi saat ini ialah nuklir. Ia menjawab kebutuhan energi yang mulai krisis saat ini. Lihat lah, Indonesia telah keluar dari OPEC, bukan sebagai pengekspor minyak. Bangka sangat tergantung minyak nasional. Akajn bermasalah bila pasokan minyak terganggu akibat cuaca dan tingginya gelombang. Saya setuju aja bila Indonesia mengembangkan nuklir dan memilih di Bangka !

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011


Sah sah saja orang mempunyai pendapat masing-masing, tapi bila program itu untuk kepentingan orang banyak dan realitasnya sangat mendesak maka jangan memaksa kehendak atas penolakan kita. Kalau itu bukan ideal kita maka realisasikan idealnya masing-masing. Aku trigger deh Nuklir di BABEL !

Senin, 28 Februari 2011


Salam, koe ne nek informasikan kepada seluruh pembaca blog ne, Q sekarang ade bisnis baru. Dear, readers on my blog, I want to inform U all that I have a new business. It is a nice and fun souvenir for wedding and birthday n promotion and another needs. Send me SMS 085267572829

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


Salam, kawan kawan butuh sovenir ni saya tawarkan, murah meriah lho. Tuk orang bangka tinggal pesan ke q bailah.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Back to School, Back to Routine

Teaching and teaching, my activities. Two weeks school holiday, now i must teach again. School begins in the tenth January, nothing changes. I know well the condition cause I live in school's surrounding.
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Menurut Anda apakah Bangka Belitung propinsi mandiri ?